Monday, July 16, 2012

Welcome Marshall William Robert!

I gave birth to Marshall 5 days early on July 13th. I started having contractions around 6pm and they mildly continued through out the night and into the morning. At 6am, I told Mo to pack his bag. We arrived at the hospital at 8am. I was still able to talk and walk through my contractions even though they were 4 minutes apart. I was really hoping we wouldn't be sent home for false labor. It turns out I was 6cm dilated! I pushed for about 40 minutes and Marshall was born at 1:19pm weighing in at 7lbs 15oz. He was 20.5" long. I have to say it was so much easier and less painful this time. Marcus was a pound heavier and looks like me. Marshall has his daddy's nose and is long & lean.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Fun

We've been having an awesome summer. Marcus loves being outside, as most kids do. Here are just a few pics.